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Canterbury Academy Students Bridge Generations at Lark View

Residents of Lark View Care Home in Thanington recently welcomed a group of enthusiastic students from Canterbury Academy as part of the school's community outreach program. The visit, centered around a heartwarming reminiscence activity, brought together young and old to share stories and compare their vastly different school experiences.

The intergenerational exchange proved to be a hit, creating a sense of connection and mutual respect between the students and residents. "It was a lovely afternoon," remarked Shirley, a long-term resident at Lark View. "The young people were so polite and interested in our stories. It brought back so many memories of my own school days."

The activity served as a bridge between generations, allowing residents to share their wisdom and experiences with the younger generation. Students, in turn, gained a deeper appreciation for the challenges and triumphs of ageing. "It was amazing to hear about what school was like decades ago," said Alice. "It really made me think about how much things have changed."

The event was a resounding success, with positive feedback from both students and residents. The team at Lark View were delighted to have facilitated this intergenerational connection and look forward to hosting more events like this in the future.

"We believe that building connections with the wider community is essential for our residents' well-being," said Aime, Wellbeing Lead of Lark View Care Home. "These intergenerational activities not only provide valuable social interaction but also help to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness."

The residents were so touched by the experience that they've already expressed a desire for further events. The team at Lark View is excited to continue exploring ways to bridge the gap between generations and enrich the lives of all involved.

Lark View Care Home is a luxury care home in Thanington, Canterbury, offering a cosy and homely feel for up to 64 residents. We adopt a person-centred approach to care and our team of care experts goes above and beyond to form connections with every resident. To learn how we can support your loved one, contact our expert team or call us directly on 01227 932777.

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